Slowing down the covid-19 outbreak: changing behaviour by understanding it


How the CIA (Control-Influence-Accept) model can Help you

 I have found the following article below most valuable:

I particularly like the clarity of the diagram.
While we are used to witnessing Covid-19 type events affecting far-flung countries from a safe distance, this current pandemic is possibly the first time for most of us that such an event is going to knock on our own doors and have such a direct and immediate effect on our daily lives. 
While this is a new challenge, there is no reason why we would not be together successful in slowing down the pandemic.
We have all our part to play, not just the decision makers or the health care professionals.
There is no real recipe to cope with such event, just common sense, discipline and new habits.
A model I have found useful is stressful times is the Control-Influence-Accept (CIA) model.

     1. Control: Identify the issues or elements of the situation that you control.
Changes, challenges and problems can arise at any time, whether you like it or not! So, it's important to identify the things that you can control. Chances are, those things will be your attitude, behavior and emotions, and the decisions that you make in response to the problem.

     2. Influence: identify the elements that you can't control, but that you can influence.

Having a strong influence is the next best thing to having control. You can't control your customers or your boss, for example, but you can influence the way that they think and act. And, although you won't have full control over a group-run project, you will be able to affect its outcome.

      3. Accept (but managed): identify the things that you can neither control nor influence, and adapt accordingly.

Sometimes, an issue will genuinely be beyond your control or influence. There's the weather, to pick an obvious example, or                fluctuating interest rates, or today the Covid-19. Passively accepting problems and doing nothing about them will dent you. A              much better move would be to prepare for such situations, so that you're able to mitigate and confidently manage them when            they arise.

When you understand these potential responses, you can put problems into perspective more easily and get a sense of what you can and can't accomplish. This enables you to focus your efforts where they'll have the most impact. In our current volatile modern world , we need to be more flexible, proactive and tenacious.
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